Friday, May 28, 2010

Welcome Liam Edward Joseph, May 19th 2010

Liam Edward Joseph arrived on May 19th at 2:00 pm. Weighing 7lbs 9oz and 20 inches long. It was quite unexpected as his brothers were both induced.

The Birth Story:
I will admit that some details are very fuzzy for me.
May 18th I had had a weird pain all day in my side, I thought I had pulled a muscle, when we were going to bed I told Brian that if it wasn't better in the morning I was going to have to call the doctor because I could barely stand up, little did I know what was about to follow.

4:00 Am- I woke up with a contraction, nothing new, I had been having them off and on for weeks, but it felt stronger. I thought I had to really pee so I went to the bathroom and next thing I knew I felt a gush. I was sure my water broke. I woke Brian up and called the doctor, because I was GBS positive he wanted me to come right in. We called Brian's mom to come over and stay with the boys. before she got there I decided it might be a good idea to pack a bag. Like I said we were not anticipating this. Brian's mom came and we left for the hospital.

5:10- We arrived at the hospital, had to check in through the ER and then were taken up to L&D. They got me hooked up to a monitor and saw that I was having a few contractions on my own but nothing great. We took a walk around the halls but because my water was broken it was difficult to walk around, and I couldn't walk around for long because they were going to start my IV, as I needed to get started on antibiotics. It took 2 nurses and someone from the lab to finally get an IV and blood drawn, not fun! I did start having some contractions and the nurse said that the doc would be in around 7:30.
7:30- Dr. Zakara (not my usual doc) came in and checked me. I was only 2cm and 60% effaced. because of the GBS he wanted my labor to move fairly quickly so he wanted to start pitocin.

8:00- Started pitocin and contractions started to pick up, but they weren't being picked up on the monitor so everytime I was having one I had to tell them.

10:00 the nurse came on and told me she needed to stop the pitocin because the baby's heart rate was going down and she was going to call the doctor, after talking to the doctor she came in with a shot to give me to STOP my labor. WHAT???? She said they need to see how the baby did for a while and if his heartrate went back up they would start he pitocin again. I got a little bit of rest and then my labor started to continue on it's own, without the pitocin. Luckily the baby's heartrate was back up by now. Now I was really feeling contractions and asked for the epidural, because the baby's heartrate had been dipping and my contractions weren't being picked up the doctor wanted to put in an internal monitor so he wanted me to wait until he could come over and check me and put in the monitors but I could have some stadol, yeah all that did was make me tired. I was feeling a lot of pressure and the nures said she was going to check me. I was 5-6 at this point and in ALOT of pain. I was in and out of it because of the Stadol This is where everything is pretty fuzzy not sure of the times from here on out, I remember the doc comming to do the epidural and I was in so much pain and to top it off he was not gentle on my back it took him almost 45 minutes to get the epidural in which did NOTHING but numb my legs, I could still feel all the contractions. at this point they told me to lay down and it may start to work, by this point I was feeling so much pressure that the nurse cheked me again and I was a full 10. she called the doctor and came back and told me he was detained at the moment and I would have to breath through it and NOT to push. The anasthesiologist came back to see if it was working and I told him no. he said the only thing he could do was take it out and do it again. I said no way, it wasn't worth it at this point.

FINALLY the doctor came in, they set up the bed and in 3 pushes Liam Edward Joseph was born at 2:00pm. weighing 7lbs 9oz. we had every intention of having some family members in the room for the birth but due to the baby's heartrate dips and the sheer amount of pain I was in the nurses kept everyone out of the room. To be honest eveyrthing happen so fast that I really don't remember much. our time in the hospital was filled with visitors and lots of nursing sessions. And of course getting to meet his big brother. They are both SO IN LOVE! Brady and Cameron have adjusted so well. We are so happy to be a family of 5 now!

Friday, May 07, 2010

Congrats Daddy!

There they are, my Sanborn men! Daddy was named the new principal of Sanborn region High School a few weeks ago. He'll officially take over on July 1st. We are so proud of him, he has worked so hard he really deserved it.

Curious George Live!

A few weeks ago we took the boys to Curious George live at Tsongas Arena in Lowell. They had a blast. They got to have cotton candy and popcorn and really enjoyed the show. We Love taking the boys to shows, we hope to start to foster a love for the arts early.