Monday, June 27, 2011

Old Home Day

The summer is officially here.  This weekend we went to old home day, Something that for anyone that lives in plaistow is usually the kick off to their summer.  This year I joined Brian in the 5k.  Brian and I both achieved our personal goals and improved out time from the turkey trot we did in November.

Brady decided he wanted to participate in the kid contest.  He needed to have a talent and he said he would do his #2 front kick from karate.  I was a little leary that he may get up on stage and freeze but to our surprise he got up an stage and did the best kick with the loudest aya! I have ever heard come out of him.  He ended up winning Little Mr. Plaistow for his age group!

After the kid contest we went home the little ones had naps and then we went back for the parade.  This is the first year since having the boys that we have gone to the parade. They really enjoyed it.  I love having these town traditions and hope that one day my kids will be bringing their kids to this.

Saturday, June 04, 2011

Belt promotion time!

 Today the boys both got their next belts Cameron got his orange belt and Brady got his purple belt.  I'm so proud of how well they are doing, and on the next belt promotion I will hopefully be recieving my yellow belt.  I think this will be something great to be able to share with my boys.