Thursday, November 01, 2007

Halloween 2007

Well, Haloween 2007 was quite a success. Brady went out with Mackenzie and Ryan to do toddler trick-or-treat downtown in the morning. As you can see, Dad has absolutely no say in Brady's choice of costume this year, which is why he is dressed as a pumpkin. Cameron was a peapod.

In the evening, Brady went trick-or-treating in my old neighborhood with all of his friends (Amy, Sam, etc.). Again, he had quite a good time, and got some great candy!


Alyssa said...

Hey Brian, i don't know if it is just our computer, but i can't get either video to work

Mis Pretty said...

I couldn't watch the video either...but either way those kids looked adorable!!! Cohen lasted 5 mins in his Costume! haha

Christina said...

Couldn't see the videos either, but they look too adorable in those costumes!

Princess B said...

I saw both videos. The Tricking or Treating one was pretty funny.