Sunday, March 30, 2008

We've Been 2nd Class Citizens for Some Time...

We went to breakfast after church this morning with our friends Dustin and Elizabeth. They noticed that we got "rolled eyes" and whispers as soon as we sat down with our two boys. I guess we are so used to it, we don't even notice it anymore. Its not that Brady and Cameron were disruptive in the fact they were quite good. But, this is not uncommon. It happens almost every time we are seated in a restaurant, and it has been going on ever since we started going out with both boys. It is not uncommon for us to be seated in a corner, which I don't long as there are other families in the same section.

People can be down-right rude. Two weeks ago at Texas Roadhouse, a middle aged-couple were seated right next to us (Cameron was asleep and Brady was quietly playing with the crayons). The woman looked right at our table and said to the waitress, "Can you put us somewhere else where it will be a little more peaceful?" Yesterday at the supermarket, Cameron was having a rare crying moment because he was trying to fall asleep. I had stopped to rock his carrier and get the bottle. A young couple walked by and looked at Cameron, started to shake their head, and as they walked by me, they said to their one-year old.."Good thing you don't act like that little boy." I wanted to go over and punch them in the face.

To all you people who pass judgement...get a life! My kids are EXTREMELY well behaved. I can take them just about anywhere and they are very polite. If for some reason they are not having a good day and start to become disruptive, I would leave. I am NOT one of "those" parents who lets them ruin a meal for everyone else in the room.

I HATE people who have no clue.


Boston Pam said...

Or sometimes the become invisible as if you're not lugging a kid and stroller trying to make your way into or out of the store.

I was trying to leave Old Navy yesterday and some 18-20 year old girl who saw I was trying to get out the door just weasled her way around me and you think she held the door open?! NO!!!!!

Thanks stupid girl for letting the door slam on my kids stroller. GRRRR!

Brian said...

Amen! What is with people?????

Do you think we did that before kids? Our friends Dustin and Elizabeth were appalled...they said they would never do something like that.

I just don't get it.