Wednesday, January 07, 2009

So Happy Together!

Now that Cameron is getting a little older, he and Brady have started playing together more. I now understand why my parents bought my sister and I two of everything just in dfferent colors. Brady tends to be pretty good with sharing or atleast tries to give Cameron a differnt toy to distract him while h takes the toy he wants. Ahhh problem solving skills at work! There other favorite thing to do now is to take bubble baths. Brady put the bubbles on his chin and said "Look, I'm Uncle Dave" Then he gave himself a mustach and said "Look I'm Dziadziu"

Cameron will be 16 months on the 25th and hasn't started walking yet but pulls himself up and cruises. He'll stand alone for a few seconds but then drops down to his knees ( he is still getting PT in the house and will be having his re-evaluation in February). As for talking he knows the signs for more, all done, and please. He says, byb-bye- night night, wiggles , ball and cup.

Brady is going to Preschool 2 mornings a week and has started recognizing his name, he knows all his colors and can count to 20. we are also working on letter recognition and he has one eto one correspondence up to 6. he no longer wears a pull up during nasp time and has recently started getting up in the middle of the night to go potty and has a dry pull up in the morning. He has asked to stop wearing them but he's not consistant enough yet.
We will be going to Disney for a couple of days in January, We leave on the 17th! we can't wait and neither can Brady, Cameron is still a little young but were sure he'll enjoy it anyway seeing as he LOVES music!

Brian and I feel so blessed to have such wonderful boys!

1 comment:

Princess B said...

Ha ha--I love Brady's "beard"! Hope you guys are having fun in NON SNOWY Disney World!!! Can't wait for pictures!