Monday, August 24, 2009

Summer is coming to an end!

Students are heading back to school next week, which means two things. First, Brian will have much more to do at work and second, the amount of kids I have will get much bigger! We have been trying to take advantage of the days we have left of summer. On Friday we took the boys to the children's museum in Boston! again they had a blast, we now are members and have a pass which allows us to bring in 6 people for free as many times as we want during the year.

On sunday we decided to hit the beach with Shanna, Dave and Mackenzie. The waves were huge! so big that we really could only stick our feet in. any more than that and you would have got swept away. It's hard to believe that the summer is almost over and Brady will start back to preschool next Tueasday!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Almost time to Potty Train

Brian and I decided to bring up the little potty for Cameron just so he could start to see it and get aquainted with it. the first time we put him on the potty he screamed and wanted to get off. So we haven't pushed it. However, Brady being a good big brother has been asking Cameron to come in the bathroom with him when he has to go. The past couple of days Cameron has started asking to go "pee" yesterday he told me had to go pee and pointed to the bathroom. I took him in, took off his diaper and he sat down. he sat for a few minutes and and said he was all done. not wanting to push the issue I said okay and told him I'd go get a diaper. he stood up and about 30 seconds later he peed on the floor. So although I wasn't overly happy that he peed on the floor. I was happy that he is obviously getting close to using the potty and isn't even two yet!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A fun summer day

This past weekend it was so hot that we decided to do a pool day! and to complete the day we got lobsters and cooked them here for dinner. When I say we I mean Shanna, Dave and Brian. I certainly wasn't having any! It was a great day. the kids played in the pool all day and so did we. So Much fun. too bad it's pretty much the end of summer and now we're getting the summer weather.

growing up so fast

As you can see Brady is growing by leaps and bounds. not only did he graduate to a big boy bike but also has graduated to swimming with swimmies! He no longer needs to wear his big muscle man suit. Which he loves because that means he can wear any bathingsuit he wants. It's sometimes hard to believe how quickly he is growing up. In two weeks he'll be starting back to preschool. He goes 3 days a week this year. he's very excited!

A new toy room!

Ok well it's not new just remodeled. It is Brightly colored and screams kids room! I even got in on the action and painted with Brian. We added in a cubby system.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Trying to beat the heat

It has gotten pretty warm this week, and seeing as I don't allow daycare kids in our pool, I got a kiddie pool and the sprinkler out and let the kids go to town. I put a small pool on the deck for the little ones and a bigger one in the yard. This kept the kids entertained for quite some time! It was a very nice day!

Train set

Brian's grandmother gave the boys the old train set that Brian and Jason used to play with when they were little. Brady happened to see the box down in the basement and asked us to set it up. He had a Blast playing with it being the conductor. I'm sure great Babcia will be thrilled to hear how much he loved it.