Thursday, August 20, 2009

Almost time to Potty Train

Brian and I decided to bring up the little potty for Cameron just so he could start to see it and get aquainted with it. the first time we put him on the potty he screamed and wanted to get off. So we haven't pushed it. However, Brady being a good big brother has been asking Cameron to come in the bathroom with him when he has to go. The past couple of days Cameron has started asking to go "pee" yesterday he told me had to go pee and pointed to the bathroom. I took him in, took off his diaper and he sat down. he sat for a few minutes and and said he was all done. not wanting to push the issue I said okay and told him I'd go get a diaper. he stood up and about 30 seconds later he peed on the floor. So although I wasn't overly happy that he peed on the floor. I was happy that he is obviously getting close to using the potty and isn't even two yet!

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