Friday, September 10, 2010

School Days!

This week Brady started back to school and Cameron got to join in the fun. Cameron goes to a 2 day program, Mondays and Fridays and Brady goes Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.

Brady was super excited to be going back and didn't skip a beat, He hopped out of the car and said "I'm back!" and ran into school. When I picked him up he said he couldn't wait for tomorow.

Cameron had an open house of Thursday to meet the teachers and see the classroom. He was a little shy at first but loved palying in the sand table, they had a red tablespoon measure that he was playing with and for some reason he couldn't wait to go back the next day to play with. So he got up this morning and asked if it was time to go. It was only 7am so no it wasn't time to go. we left around 8:45 and he asked that Brady come with us to drop him off, all he kept talking about was the "red thing" he wanted to play with. When we got there he went in put his bag on his hook walked over to the teacher to give hom the form I asked him to give her, and then headed for the sand table where he found the "red thing" right away. he then looked at Brady and me and said bye! see you later! and we left. I think even brady was surprised at how well Cameron did. When I picked him up the teachers said he had a fabulous day and tried everything and raised his hand during circle time, our little man is growing up.
I am so proud of both of my boys, they both love school and are well behaved when they are there, they are growing up so fast, sometimes I wish I could just stop time for a little while!

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