Friday, January 07, 2011

Here we go!

Brian and I had been trying to think up a good activity for Brady to get involved in, since he missed the cutoff to enter Kindergarten this year he has been a little bored with going to preschool.  We finally decided to try him in Karate and after one week we are very glad that we have!  Brady can go to the class 3 times a week if he wants but they want them to come at least 2x a week.  His first class was Monday, he was very timid. The kid who is usually LOUD all the time at home was very quiet.  The Karate studio is the place for him to be loud and assertive, He also found out that he can earn stripes on his belt by doing good things at home, like helping out around the house without being asked, or being kind to his brothers, well let me tell you as soon as he heard that he has been a very well behaved boy, looking for things to help out with and being extra nice and helpful to Cameron.  Wednesday night when Mr. Munoz asked the parent's s if any students has earned a gold stripe I was pleased to stand up and tell him about Brady's good behavior.  He received his first stripe and was beaming from ear to ear.  Also On Wednesday night only is second class I couldn't believe how much he remembered from the first night.  He remembered to take off his shoes and get his card to pass in and he remembered to bow and say "vision Sir" before getting on the mat.  He was asked to get up in front of the class and demonstrate a move and he did with much more confidence than the first time.  We got a call from his instructor last night to schedule his "leadership Academy time"  right now he wears the white uniform, but the other kids in the class all have a red and black uniform, the only get the red and black uniform once the instructors feel they are ready and go through the leadership academy so Mr. Munoz feels one more week of classes and he'll be ready for Leadership Academy.  Not sure what this will entail but we'll find out on the 19th.  We think this is going to be great for him and he so far is really enjoying it!

1 comment:

Nadine said...

Awww Erica! He looks SOOOO proud!