Sunday, August 07, 2011

Liam's hospital stay

at the hospital not feeling well

Ready to go home!
On thursday Afternoon Liam all of sudden started being very whiny and just wanted to lay on me so after a while of that I realized he felt hot, I took his temp and it was 102.8  This was a little discouraging as we had plans to go to water country on Friday with friends.  We gave him tylenol and motrin all night and his fever was steadily rising.  Before I went to bed I checked his temp again and it was 103.8.  At this point Brian and I made the desicion to have me stay home the next day and take Liam to the doctors and he would tak ethe kids to water country.  I took Liam to the doctors pretty early, by this point he was pretty much just laying on me and sleeping his fever had started to go down.  I honestly was hoping for an ear infection, however the first thing the doctor checked was his ears and of course they looked fine.  They then did a urine cath to see if he had a UTI and a strep test and sent us for blood work.  becuae he had such a high fever adn was presenting so lethargic they decided to give him a shot of Rocefin ( a broad spectrum antibiotic) that would cover him for mostly anything he might have.  I went home with the instructions to call them first thing in the morning with an update and the test results would be ready by then.  That night Liam was completely lethargic and at that point didn't eat lunch or dinner and had a few sips of something to drink.  I put him to bed at 6:00pm, he slept through the night very restlessly. at 5:30 am I was woken up to Liam crying I went in his room and sat in the rocking chair with him and then next thing I knew he threw up on me.  He laid on me lethargic for the rest of the morning and threw up every time I tried to get him to take some water.  I took him to the doctors and ALyssa, Brian's sister came to stay with the boys. (Brian was at teh High school helping to run the Miss Plaistow Pageant and this was something he couldn't get out of, and something I was supposed to be helping with.) We both were feeling guilty that weren't going to be where we felt we were supposed to be that day so we decided that this was the situation that was handed to us and we would go about our day doing what we needed to do and NOT feel guity about it.  I took liam to the Doctors early again, at this point I was pretty sure that he needed to be admitted to the hospital for dehydration, I had NEVER seen him this sick before.  The doctor (not our normal doctor) said that his blood cultures were negative but because he was still so sick he would give him another shot of the antibiotic to cover him.  he didn't think he was dehydrated cause he had tears and was drooling, when the nurse came in to give him his shot she said she thought he looked worse than the day before.  I made the comment that if it were our primary care doc she would be sending us to the hospital cause this just was NOT my son.  the nurse didn't give him the shot, but went out and talked to the doctor, next thing I knew they were sending me over to Lawrence General admitting.  When we got there was a lot that needed to be done which included another urine cath more blood work and an IV.  they started his IV and got him started on some IV fluids while they waited for his blood work, they were questioning how dehydrated he was because he was still making tears and drooling.  The docotr came back with shocked look on her face, he had ketones in his urine and his bicarb level was at 14 (they like it atleast at 24)  they added more fluids and said they wanted to do more blood work in a little while.  right after I got him in bed for what I thought was the night, the team came back in to take blood to repeat some things and add in a blood gas. after that Liam didn't want to sleep in the crib so he ended up sleeping on me for the night, needless to say mommy didn't get much sleep, the next morning they said his levels were doing much better and seeing as all his cultures were negative it probably was a virus, so they would let us go!  We have been home all day and he's been drinking a little, we will go back to our primary care doc tomorow morning to follow up but it certainly was an intersting weekend to say the least.  Thank you to everyone who sent your love either on face book, in an e mail or in a phone call.  You all helped me get through a difficult situation.

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