Thursday, June 26, 2014

Announcing the 5th

Why in our society did it become a cliche to have a large family.  I can't tell you how many people look at us like we are a circus side show as we walk through Target with our four boys.  One in the baby seat, one holding the carriage and the older two walking in toe right behind or Infront of us. They aren't running down the isle wildly or screaming at the top of their lungs, however onlookers think it's ok to make comments. "Four boys huh? Good luck to you" "guess you never got your girl huh?" As if I have four children only because I wasn't going to stop until I had a girl. 
        You can imagine the things that went through my head when we found out we were pregnant with our fifth. I'm not going to lie it was a bit of a surprise, but I have learned that some surprises are the best things in The world.  While I should have been rejoicing that we would be adding to our family my first thought was, what are people going to think? What are people going to say?  While I can say the thought of having 5 kids was overwhelming never once did I wish I didn't happen, never once did I worry about what my 4 other children would think, never once did I worry if we would have enough love for another child. I knew my  4 children would be more than excited to welcome a new child into our family. I knew as a family we have more than enough love to go around because as we have found out as parents love is multiplied not divided.
         Here are some things I want to say to those who feel they can judge my decision and my family. 

1. Yes my husband and I know how babies are made. Please don't ask us if we know how to prevent these children.

2. Yes we know how expensive it is to have children. WE pay for all of our childrens needs. We don't get assistance or financial help from family members and I am not asking any of you on lookers to pay for my childrens college education.

3.I DONT CARE IF THIS BABY IS A GIRl! I have 4 boys and I think it is pretty cool to be a mom of all boys! So if we have another boy that would be great, would it be neat to get the experience of raising a girl? Sure but it's going to be what it is going to be and we will be HAPPY with either gender!

4. Do I worry that having so many kids my kids will feel left out. Heck yes! But I feel like Brian and I are very cognizant of that and we are trying our best to have our children be supportive of each other.  In a big family they are alway going to have friends in each other.

So why have so many kids?  Every wonderful thing that children do, their first step, the first time they say mama and dada, I get to go through that 5 times.  I get to hear 5 times the laughter.  I get to watch all my children play together and we don't even have to go to a play group.  When we go to Disney everyone gets a buddy for a ride! Later in life with 5 kids atleast one of them is sure to take care of us in our old age.

So there it is! I don't have anything to prove to anyone, I have a large family and am a I proud mom! I have wonderful children the best husband ever and if you have a problem with my large family while we are walking through a store please feel free to look the other way.

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