Monday, December 26, 2005

The Great Kitchen Make Over, Part I

Well, let me recap for you how the first day of the great kitchen make over went. At 7:00am, I took the first picture you see, which basically shows how our kitchen looked when we moved in (minus the new dishwasher, and the repainted cabinets with new hardware). Anyways, We hated three things about the kitchen: The lack of counter space, the ugly ugly ugly red counters, and the ugly tile backsplash. It just needed a face lift. In the second picture, during demolition, I am showing you just how much I hated the old counters. By the third picture, which was around lunch time, you see the counters are gone, as are the tiles. In fact, most of the new under-cabinet lights were hard wired to a dimmer switch at this point. By dinner time, you see the cabinets are in, the wall has been sheetrocked, the new sink is installed, and the island has been added. Not bad for day one! Over the course of tomorrow and Wednesday, I will be sanding the walls and painting them a pale yellow color, which will look nice with the grey counters and stainless steel apliances. Oh yeah, the stove and fridge will be going in the near future too, to make way for the new ones. Stay tuned for a final "reveal" some time in the coming week. So long for now!


Boston Pam said...

Very cool - you should've taken a picture w/ you taking a jack hammer to the old counters...

Brian said...

That would have been cool....:) Actually I couldn't believe how fast the old counters came off!