Monday, August 28, 2006

Stack Family Update, by Brady Stack

Mama and Dada asked me to write the blog update this week to let you all know how we are doing. Let's see, I guess I'll start with Mama.

Mama has started a new job this week, working at Danville Elementary School. So far she says she likes it, although it is a lot of work. She got some great news today that we are all happy about. A couple months ago, her doctor was concerned that she might be developing breast cancer. The biopsy revealed this week that she is fine. Yeah!

Dada has been an assistant principal for a couple weeks now. It was very exciting to be a part of a school that was moving to a brand new building. His days have been busy getting caught up to speed on the school, learning the staff, and now, learning the faculty.

As for me, well what can I say? As you can see from the picture, Dada found me standing up in my crib today when he came to get me from my nap. He was mentioned something about having to lower the bed, but I don't know why. Right now, I think I might be able to escape from it! Oh well. Other than that, I am learning how to walk...I can actually take a couple of steps by myself before I tumble to the ground. I can't wait to see my new friend David soon....we're going to have so much fun together, I can tell.

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