Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A Painful Recovery

Erica and I had to bring Brady to MGH this morning at 6:30am to get a circumcision. Without it, the doctor won't be able to run all the necessary tests next month to see if his kidney reflux has corrected itself or whether or not we have to operate on it.
It was a long day for all three of us. The worst part for me was having to watch my son go under in the operating room. It has not been easy to watch him in pain this afternoon.
But Brady is a trooper. He's taking Tylanol with Codine every four hours, and has pretty much sat in his recliner most of the afternoon watching tv. I'm glad to see that he has been eating and drinking. We also gave him a warm bath, which helped.
It will be a slow recovery, but hopefully it will be for the better.
The moral of this story: If you have a baby boy, just get him circumcised at the beginning. It is much easier that way.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Congratulations Mike & Tara!

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Racano, who were married on St. Patrick's Day 2007. Erica and I were so happy to share your day with you!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

17 Month Update

Hi everyone, its me, Brady! Can you believe that I turn 17 months tomorrow? Do you like my picture? Dada and I have been busy working on the bathroom upstairs. He was tearing down wallpaper, I was busy painting.
Anyways, I'm growing up in a lot of ways! My vocabulary is growing everyday. Now, with Mama and Dada's help (mostly Mama's), I can say small sentences, like: "Mama, more please!" I still use signs, but I'm using real words more and more.
I know how to turn a door knob and open a door, I like taking my shoes off, and then saying, "Shoe?" I like watching tv. Just today, I picked the remote up off the floor and started flipping through the channels. When it got boring, I changed the channel again. But, I was getting very frustrated because I couldn't find the Wiggles (which has to be the best show on tv right now, don't you agree?), so I had to run in the kitchen and ask Mama to put the Wiggles on.
Mama is having more morning sickness with this baby than she did with me, so she says. All three of us are going to be going to the doctor's in a couple weeks to get the baby's first ultrasound done. I can't wait to see what it looks like. Dada would like to have a little girl, Mama isn't sure, but I know what I want, a new brother!!!
So long fro now,

Brady's New Bedroom: Before & After

So, Brady has officially moved into his new bedroom, right next door to his old one, which will be used again in October.

We decided to go with a Red Sox theme. So, we pianted the top of the room gray and the bottom a deep blue. Then we put up a nice Red Sox wall paper border. We still have to get some more decorations, but its a nice start!

We also finished the walk-in closet that is in the room, which was never really done. Now it has a nice light, a closet shelving system, and a hard-wood floor.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Happy March!

March has been a busy month already. Both Mama and Dada were on school vacation. Dad has been working on my new Red Sox bedroom, as well as the upstairs bathroom. Yesterday, we went to the Children's museum in Portsmouth. I had a lot of fun exploring all kinds of things there.

Do you see me using a fork and spoon in the picture to the right? I'm still working on this, but it is fun to bang them on my tray. Dada had made southern style pork ribs that night. Yum yum.

I'm also happy to report that I am expading my vocabulary every day. In addition to being able to sign eat, more, all done, please, and bye, I also know how to say and understand Mama, Dada, hello, bye bye, binky, shoe, night-night, oh-oh, fish, and all done. Every day, I seem to be learning new words.

So long for now!
