Sunday, July 13, 2008

Lets Start Walking, Cameron!

At his nine-month check-up, Cameron's doctor was a little concerned that he has not started crawling, pulling himself up, or walking yet. The doctor recommended that we get early intervention services into the house to work with Cam. This has prompted Erica to kick up her work with Cameron to help him get back on track. She is convinced that we'll see results really soon. Here's a video clip of Cameron's first walking session with Erica...and a reminder of Brady's walking sessions at the same time two years ago.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't worry guys - neither of my girls crawled at 9 months. Taylor was 10 1/2 months, Sam was 10 months. Both began walking around 15 - 15 1/2 months. Cameron will do it in his own time.