Saturday, August 30, 2008

Pimped-Out New Stack Ride

We aged at least ten years yesterday when we became the proud new owners of a 2008 Chrysler Town and Country. I figured if we were going to buy the ultimate "soccer mom" ride, we should at least pimp it out. This one comes complete with heated leather seats, doors that open with the push of a button, and three DVD screens. There are even connections for X-Box....which means we should get one.

Erica will call this her car, I will take over the Escape, and we are looking for a buyer for the Explorer.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

New Kitchen Floor

Today was the day my brother-in-law Dave and I replaced the kitchen floor. Erica and I were getting a little tired of the old, scratched & stained peel-and-stick vinal tiles that we had, so we upgraded to a new laminate floor that looks like tile.

First we had to scrap up the old tiles and lay down some construction paper (because the floor was sticky!!!). Then with a little blood (Dave cut his finger), sweat (Brian was hot), and tears (Camern was hungry), the floor took shape.

Check out the before and after pictures...what a difference!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Out of the mouths of babes

I must preface this blog by saying, NO I am NOT pregnant! Today Brady was going to take his nap and said
"mummy, I need a kiss"
(I give him a kiss) "Have a good nap."
B: I want to kiss your belly
B: Because there's a baby in there
ME: no there isn't
B:" "Jack's mommy has a baby in her bell and Thomas is in Crystals Belly"
ME: "You're right about that but mommy doesn't have a baby in her belly."
B: oh, can I kiss your bell?

And the conversation continued and I'm not quite sure if he's convinced that there is no baby in my belly. I guess he figures if most of the other people we knoe have babies in their belly then I must have one too. Out of the mouths of Babes!

11 Month update

Cameron is almost 11 months old! I can't believe it. He has finally learned to crawl (in his own wierd way) and after a lengthy visit from the Early intervention specialists will be receiving services to learn how to crawl better, pull himself up and to get walking. I have had a concern about his shoulder for a while and now that EI is involved they will be able to give us some answers. In the gross motor category he is at about a 6-8 month level. In everything else he was right where he needed to be. I think part of this may go back to this winter when He was so sick and had such a hard time breathing we couldn't put him on his belly alot. No worries though, I'm sure he'll catch up in no time and be running around with brady!
The things cameron can do right now, clap his hands, uses the sign for more when he wants more food, we can give him whole foods now like chicken nuggets with out cutting them up and he takes nice small bits and eats great. He's pretty much off the bottle, he really prefers his cup. He says mama and dada and papa, loves blowing raspberry and playing with his toys. Through it all Cameron has remained a good sport about everything, but I think he is very frustrated that his body can't do what his mind is trying to tell it to do. I will have an ISFP meeting (individual family service plan) with the EI specialists and I will be coming to the table with my set of expectations and concerns. As a parent in the special education field this was a hard pill to swallow, but I just need to be happy that he will get the help he needs and know that I will follow through with whatever they would like us to do. I can't believe only onemore month and my baby will be 1!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My First Baseball game

Hi Everyone, It's me Brady! On sunday I got to go to the spinners game. I had lots of fun despite the hot temps. It was 91 degrees on the field. I got to go in the bounce house, ate a whole box of popcorn all by myself and had some icecream. Although we only stayed through the sixth inning (it was getting close to bedtime) I had a really fun Day!!! Thanks Dziadu and Dad for taking me to my first game!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Disney World, Here We Come!!!!

We've decided the time is coming to venture out on a vacation with the boys. Disney World is our destination, and we are planning to go in March. As it turns out, I will be attending a three-day conference for Sanborn, but we are going to stay six nights so that we'll have some family time. We'll also be traveling with another young administrator from the District, his wife, and their two children (ages 2 and 3).
Now that we have told Brady, he keeps asking us if it is time to go. It is going to be a long six months if he keeps that up!!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

"The Boys"

Just a few years, these 4 boys will be part of a great football team of DiPippos, Wicks, and Stacks. Here we have Brady Stack, Cameron Stack, Shaun Wicks, and David Wicks. Due up soon: Thomas DiPippo.
62-23-48 HUT!
Go Team!

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Dave and Brian's Hawaiian Pig

Start with one 30-40 pound pig, cleaned. Fill the cavity of the pig with 10 whole onions and bread stuffing. Close cavity up by wrapping the pig in butcher twine. Inject a flavor marinade of honey, soy sauce, and pineapple juice into the meat. Cut about 30 slits into the skin and stuff with whole garlic gloves. Place the pig on a spit and put onto charcoal grill. Use heavy-duty aluminum foil to make a drip tray to catch the pig drippings during cooking.

The grill needs a hot fire, so start your fire with a 50 pound bag of charcoal. Plan on adding about ten pounds every hour. You may want to "preheat" the charcoal in a chimney starter before adding it to the hot fire to keep the temperature constant.

Every 10 minutes, mop the pig with a mixture of apple cider vinegar, ketchup, brown sugar, and maple syrup. The pig is done when it reaches an internal temperature of 161 degrees. Allow the pig to rest for 20 minutes before carving.