Saturday, August 23, 2008

11 Month update

Cameron is almost 11 months old! I can't believe it. He has finally learned to crawl (in his own wierd way) and after a lengthy visit from the Early intervention specialists will be receiving services to learn how to crawl better, pull himself up and to get walking. I have had a concern about his shoulder for a while and now that EI is involved they will be able to give us some answers. In the gross motor category he is at about a 6-8 month level. In everything else he was right where he needed to be. I think part of this may go back to this winter when He was so sick and had such a hard time breathing we couldn't put him on his belly alot. No worries though, I'm sure he'll catch up in no time and be running around with brady!
The things cameron can do right now, clap his hands, uses the sign for more when he wants more food, we can give him whole foods now like chicken nuggets with out cutting them up and he takes nice small bits and eats great. He's pretty much off the bottle, he really prefers his cup. He says mama and dada and papa, loves blowing raspberry and playing with his toys. Through it all Cameron has remained a good sport about everything, but I think he is very frustrated that his body can't do what his mind is trying to tell it to do. I will have an ISFP meeting (individual family service plan) with the EI specialists and I will be coming to the table with my set of expectations and concerns. As a parent in the special education field this was a hard pill to swallow, but I just need to be happy that he will get the help he needs and know that I will follow through with whatever they would like us to do. I can't believe only onemore month and my baby will be 1!

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