Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Dave and Brian's Hawaiian Pig

Start with one 30-40 pound pig, cleaned. Fill the cavity of the pig with 10 whole onions and bread stuffing. Close cavity up by wrapping the pig in butcher twine. Inject a flavor marinade of honey, soy sauce, and pineapple juice into the meat. Cut about 30 slits into the skin and stuff with whole garlic gloves. Place the pig on a spit and put onto charcoal grill. Use heavy-duty aluminum foil to make a drip tray to catch the pig drippings during cooking.

The grill needs a hot fire, so start your fire with a 50 pound bag of charcoal. Plan on adding about ten pounds every hour. You may want to "preheat" the charcoal in a chimney starter before adding it to the hot fire to keep the temperature constant.

Every 10 minutes, mop the pig with a mixture of apple cider vinegar, ketchup, brown sugar, and maple syrup. The pig is done when it reaches an internal temperature of 161 degrees. Allow the pig to rest for 20 minutes before carving.

1 comment:

Boston Pam said...

That is very cool and yet creepy at the same time! I bet it tasted awesome though!