Saturday, February 20, 2010

First day of February vacation

Seeing as we really aren't getting a February vacation we decided to take the boys to the aquarium, which we were able to get passes from the library to go to, and since we have a season pass to the Children's Museum we decided to do both in the same day. The boys thought the aquarium was awsome! they loved seeing all the fish especially since they have watched Finding Nemo tons of times and we watched it in the car on the way up. After we finished up there we had lunch and went over to the Children's Museum. It was pretty packed, but there was a new curious george exibit that we wanted to see. So we saw the Curious George exibit and a few other rooms and decided to head home. After we got home we decided it was too late for naps and was actually pretty nice outside so the boys got to go outside and play for a while. Needless to say it was early to bed tonight!

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