Thursday, February 11, 2010


It isn't often that I rant on our blog. I try to keep it very positive, but something has been bothering me for a few weeks now. Now anyone who does in-home daycare will tell you that it has it's challenges. your house is taken over every day, and your children's toys get broken by other kids, and you make a lunch that doesn't get eaten and thrown away. These are things that come with the territory and I have learned to adapt to. The one thing that I am having a hard time with, is parents who send their children to my house when they are clearly SICK! If a child has a horrible cough and disgusting runny nose, please don't bring them to my house to spread their germs, especially to me(pregnant) and my children. I do MY part. I clean the toys, wash down all the surfaces with anti-bacterial spray, clean all the blankets and sheets, but I can only do so much. Please don't bring me your child and tell me that you were up with them all night because they were coughing so they should take a good nap me, or that they threw up yesterday but only once so they must be fine.
Something that really frustrated me was last week when I was really under the weather and was pretty sure I was getting the stomach flu. (something EVERY other child had had) except my own. When I called some parents to tell them, some very nicely said they would keep their child home for the day, Others responses put me over the edge, such as, well my kids already had it so the won't get it back and then sent their kid and kept them here late to boot! WTF! do people have no regaurd for someone other than themself. not to mention all thses sick children managed to get my children sick, Brady got bronchitis and I was unable to close and give him the full attention he deserved while he was sick. I decided to do this job so I could be home with my kids but at times I feel like they get the short end of the stick. So here we are about three weeks since all this sickness has begun and I am now getting sick yet AGAIN! I mean it's hard to avoid when it seems like ALL you are doing all day is wiping snot from kids noses! I have washed my hands until the are raw, quite literally, but I really can only do so much. So here is my plea, if your kids is sick PLEASE KEEP THEM HOME!!!!

** I do have to say not all parents send their children when they are sick. I do have a few great parents who keep their kids home when they are sick. and I'm writing this on their behalf as well as my own.

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