Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Junk Pays

This one-of-a-kind truck belongs to the owner of a local auto junk yard. His license plate says "Junk Pays". I see the truck parked all the time at his business.

Today, on the highway, I drove by the truck. It got me thinking. I'll bet most of the cars I pass I've seen before. They just aren't as memorable.

Here's another example. You go to a store and run into someone you know. How odd that you were both in the store at the same time. Then again, I'll bet you've crossed paths with most of the people in the store, you just didn't realize it. Woah, that's deep. I guess you big-city folk wouldn't understand this post.

1 comment:

Princess B said...

Uh, like, I don't get it...No, even big city people can understand--I've been noticing some of the same people on my commute to and from work. Some of them are special like the "Junk Pays" truck, such as the old drunk guy, for example, let's call him "Drunk Says." Once a week or so he smells up the T (especially in this weather) and talks extra loudly about alcohol and whatever else comes to his saturated mind. Usually "Drunk Says" directs his comments to the imaginary person sitting next to him, but on a really interesting day he talks to the friendly unsuspecting tourist.
However, some of the people I realize I cross paths with quite often are pretty unmemorable, like extras in a movie--though Socrates might point out that that's untrue if I'm remembering them now...hmmm.