Monday, August 08, 2005

Welcome, Princess Bride.

The Princess Bride's blog is up and running. Now, anyone wanna place bets as to how long it takes the Princess Bride's "Prince", and I use that term very, very, loosely, to start his own?



Princess B said...

Why thank you very much B! I place my bet on *never* since he thinks he's way too cool for a blog. I, however, know that that's not true, his real reason is laziness, pure and simple. Rumor has it that he may make a guest appearance on my comments section though so stay tuned folks!

Brian said...

Scott, lazy? No!!!

Boy, I wish sarcasm could be shown in print!

Princess B said...

Ha, I know it is hard to believe. But he's good when he wants to be (ie our relationship, his job, doing stuff around the apartment) and he won't be lazy this Saturday for the move!