Monday, January 23, 2006

Doc Jr.

So official congratulations go out today to P. Sophie and "The Doc" for their recent announcement of the coming of Jr. Erica and I are excited for several reasons. Here are just a few:

1. We know they are going to make great parents, and LOVE having a baby in the house. This is something they have wanted for some time.

2. We are selfish. Its about time someone else joined us in the "baby" club. Do you know what it is like to be the only person in your group of friends to have a baby? On the one hand, it is cool, but on the other, you feel so old. We must have spent three hours talking to the Doc & Sophie when we found out, because we finally had someone we could talk to about everything we have gone through in the past year.

3. Brady is going to have a new playmate soon. He can't wait.

Doc & Sophie, we are so happy for you!


Boston Pam said...

Awwwww shucks! Thanks. It still seems so far away...but so far so good!

Not showing yet and happy to report no weight gain - although inevitable - it feels nice to still fit in all my clothes!

Brian said...

Erica actually lost weight until abotu the 4 month mark. You've got time! :)