Monday, January 30, 2006

You Owe Me Money, Uncle Sam!!!

Well, tis my favorite time of the year, the time to collect my dues from good 'ole Uncle Sam. Yep, its tax season baby. For some, this marks impending doom, but if you know you are getting a refund, it is like Christmas all over again. To all my avid fans out there in blogger land, I have some advise for you. Now, listen carefully: DO NOT PAY SOMEONE ELSE TO DO YOUR TAXES. Why, you ask? For just $19.95, you could do them yourself and get them e-filed for free! Ask any tax consultant to do them that cheap and they'll laugh at you. Now, I know you are saying, "But Stack, I'm not up-to-date on the latest tax laws. How will I know how to get the most in my taxes?" Well my friend, there is help. Actually, for the past four years, I have done my taxes online with H & R Block. My $19.95 is well spent, because as long as I have all my paperwork with me, I am walked right through the process. I even have the option to ask a tax professional in a live chat any question I encounter that the program doesn't answer for me. It is such a breeze, and I, like many, do not have a straight-forward tax situation. Heck, just this year, I bought a house and had a child, two great tax write-offs. Now, my complaints for any out there who know about taxes. WHY CAN'T I DEDUCT REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAXES? I was pissed when I found this off. The State of New Hampshire charged me almost $3000.00 just to buy my house, and I can't deduct this from my federal return. Bah!

Oh well, I move on. My taxes are almost done, and in just three days, my money will be direct deposited in my bank account. Until next year, Uncle Sam, when we meet again.


Boston Pam said...

Or for the very low low price of FREE - you could just fill out the paper work and snail mail them.

You're still gonna get your money!

Brian said...

Yes, but if you e-file:

1. You get your money faster.
2. You are less likely to make an error.
3. You know you'll get your maximum refund.
4. H&R Block will sign your form, thus giving you more credibility in the event of an audit. :)