Sunday, December 17, 2006

Christmas Update, by Brady Stack

Hi guys, its me, Brady Stack. I just wanted to give you guys in cyber space an update on how things are going at ye 'ole Stack shack.

Well, Christmas is almost here. Mama and Dada said Santa is bringing me lots of toys this year. Mama wants to get Dada to move his office upstairs so I can have his office as my new playroom, but he's not convinced I need it yet. Maybe he will be after Christmas!

Dada went on a business trip to Nashville Tennessee last week. I was so excited when he got home, I hadn't been away from him for that long ever!

Dada keeps talking about how he's changing the living room around over Christmas vacation. He told me how is going to put the TV on the opposite wall, and cut a huge hole in the wall that connects the living room with the kitchen. He says something about it making the kitchen look bigger!

Next week, Auntie Pam and Uncle Charlie are bringing my friend David Wicks over to play. I get to see Auntie Christel and Uncle Scott as well. I can't wait for that!

Friday night, Dada, Mama, and I went to cheer on the Sanborn girls basketball team. I was so excited to see them play that when Dada put me down, I decided to run right for the court. I run pretty fast now. I have too....if I don't run, Mama and Dada will catch me and pick me up. That's no fun. Too bad they caught me at the game before I got to the ball. That would have made the referees very mad. But I wanted the ball. Did I mention that I know how to say ball?

Well, that's all for now! I'll give another report after Christmas next week, and I'll tell you guys all about the toys I got!

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

Awww, my baby is getting so big! I can't wait to teach him how to say bald when I point to Brian's head!