Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Update on Brady and baba 2 (by Erica)

So it has been one week since Brady's surgery and he is doing fabulously! Although it still looks really sore he is doing so well. Pretty much by the day after the surgery he was down running around. He has had some days that we can tell he has been in a little pain or possibly itchy but he has been such a trooper! Brian and I count our blessings every day because Brady is such a laid back kid. he just goes with the flow! I wonder where he gets that from. Certainly not from me!

As for me I have entered the second trimester. I'm 14 weeks along today. I have had a little more nausea this time around and possibly a little more tiredness (however last time I wasn't chasing around a 1 year old either) I still find it hard to believe that we have a second child on the way. I'm so excited and nervous at the same time, but I guess that's normal. I can't wait to start to feel movement. I remember with Brady how active he was, we'll see if this one is as active.
That's all for now. Both kids are doing well and we hope will continue to!

1 comment:

Princess B said...

Give Brady a kiss for me. Sounds just like him running all around so soon afterward. Nothing can stop that little guy. It'll be interesting to see how he is when the new sibling arrives!