Saturday, May 31, 2008

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Daddy's OCD

You know it is Springtime because Dada's OCD has returned. His OCD comes out in two major ways:

1. He is obsessed with having a crystal clear pool. We opened it this weekend and Dada has been working tirelessly to get it cleaned and ready for the summer season.

2. Dada is VERY obsessed with his lawn. Do you see the picture of me standing between the criss-cross lines from the tractor? Dada and I cut it twice a week, and he is always putting down fertilizer and watering it. He says he has to make it look good now because by August, everything will be brown and dead. Oh, I hope I don't turn out like him!

That's all for now!


Monday, May 26, 2008

Prayers Needed

On Thursday morning my father went in for a heart cathaterization due to an irregular stress test, about a half hour into his test I got a call from my mother telling me that my father was going to be transfered to Catholic Medical Center as he needed a quadruple bipass. Needless to say I was in shock! Brian and I went up to the hospital after he got home from work and from the hospital my sister and I stayed at our mother's house so we could be with her to go to the hospital in the morning. We went to the hospital for 9:00 saw my father and they took him into surgery at 11:30. Then the waiting began. We were told to go to the family waiting room in ICU because that is where he would be comming out. We had brought things to keep us occupied, carsd, word searches, magazines, snacks. We took walks, went to the chaple and said prayers. We tried our best to keep things light for all of sake. None of us wanted to broach the subject that he wouldn't make it through the surgery. We reassured our mom that no matter what happened we would always be here for her. At about 4:30 a nurse came out and called the Clarke family, our stomach's dropped, surely he couldn't be done already, it had only been four hours, we had been told this surgery could take up to 8 hours! The nurse saw the nevousness in our eyes and quickly told us he was done and doing great! We would be able to see him in about an hour. We waited and went into ICU when they called us. The image of my father laying in that hospital bed with tubes comming out of every part of his body and a tube going down his throat keeping him breathing will forever be burned into my memory. He was covered in blankets, even his head, all we could really see was his nose. I had all I could do to keep my composure, I almost felt as though I was looking into his casket. I quickly brought myself back to reality and tried to stay strong for my mom and sister. I went over to my dad, held his hand and told him he did great. I told him he had come through the surgery in record time we were told and he only needed a triple instead of a quadruple. My mom and sister both said a few words and we shed many tears, The hardest part was leaving him with that image in our heads. They told us he wouldn't wake up until the next morning. The next morning my mom and I went up first thing in the morning. The breathing tube was out and he was doing better. Although a few oxygen concerns kept him in the ICU for an extra day he was finally moved to the CCU and is doing so well. We're hoping he'll be off the oxygen tomorow and coming home on Wednesday. I can't tell him how proud of him I am, He has taken all of this in stride. Many men may sit and play the why me game,but not my dad! He's looking at this as a new lease on life! He can get himself healthy so he can see all of his grandchildren graduate from college and get married and see their children, and one day be called great pappa!!!! We're cheering for you Pappa, you are forever our hero and we're your biggest fans!!!!!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

New Pictures of Cameron

A couple weeks ago, Erica and I took Brady and Cameron to get some new pictures. As you can see, the two-year-old is noticeably absent from ALL of the pictures. Why, you ask? He thought when we got to the studio that he was at the doctor's office, and he wasn't going to sit on the table without a fair amount of kicking and screaming. We all know he doesn't exactly have a good history with doctors. So, we cut our losses and got some nice pictures of Cameron instead. At least the trip wasn't a complete waste!

Solid Food...Its About Time!!!

Cameron has gotten the chance to experience some "real" food this past week. It all started last Sunday with my blueberry pancakes. This week, Cameron got his first taste of Sal's Pizza crust. Brady used to love it, and Cam does too.
We know this is an important milestone for us, because once Brady started eating this food, he was less and less interested in baby food. We fully expect Cameron to be the same way.
Great job Cam!!!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

I Love Smiling, Smiling is my Favorite!

Hi guys, its me, Cameron! Mama and Dada think I am sleeping up in my crib, but little do they know, I snuck a laptop upstairs and I have now decided to blog.

Do you see me in my go-around toy? I love walking around the table playing with all of the toys. I can get some good "air" in my jumperoo too. Sometimes Brady comes over to play with me. Sometimes I think it is funny to scare him by yelling in his face when he isn't expecting it. He usually runs away. Hahaha!

Today, Mama and Dada took Brady and I to KidsFest in downtown Haverhill. Brady and I sat in our stroller together. Brady likes to sit in the back, which means I get the front seat to look out at all the people. We had pizza, we walked through Candyland, and we saw lots of cool things.

This week I have FINALLY gotten the chance to eat good food just like evryone else. For breakfast this morning, I had some of Dada's famous blackberry pancakes. They were great!

Tomorrow, I think I might teach myself how to walk. Just kidding!

So long for now!


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Getting to be big boys!

The other day I was looking in Brady's baby book and saw that we had started giving him a sippy cup and cheerios by about 7 months. So I pulled out a sippy cup and put water in it and gave it Cameron. He immediately took both handles and started using it as a cup. He hasn't quite gotten the hang of sucking the water out, but he knew what to do with it. This is the same child who refuses to hold his own bottle. when I bring his hands up to hold his bottle he lets the bottle fall out of his mouth, maybe I need to get a bottle that has two handles like the cup. Do they even make anything like that. He also Loves the freedom of being able to 'run around' in his go around table!

Our other Big boy is certainly holding his own. We go outside whenever we can and we are proud to say that at 2 and 1/2 Brady has mastered the rock wall! He's such an athletic kid. We hope this will mean college scholarships, because with the price of gas we just may have to pick our favorite child and that's the one that will be allowed to go to college! (Just kidding)

Saturday, May 03, 2008

No More Crib!

Today, dada turned my crib into a big-boy bed because I was playing on top of the railing after my nap. So now, I can climb in and out of my bed when ever I want. Mama and Dada explained to me that I need to stay in my bed when it is time to go to sleep. The ball is now in my court to show them that I can do it.

I'll let you know how it is going on a future post. Bye for now!


Update by Dad the next morning: Brady was a little confused by the lack of a crib, and at one point, made one attempt to leave the bed and open his door. He was quickly ushered back to his bed and told he needed to go to sleep, which he did. Eat your heart out SuperNany!!!

A Tale of Two Different Kids

Brady couldn't give up his pacifier (aka binky) until just a few months ago. When he was a baby, he just couldn't calm down without it. Other parents always used to tell us that their child never really used a binky, and we just couldn't figure out what we did wrong.

Now we was nothing. Cameron never really took to a binky, ever. We've finally decided to get rid of all of his since he doesn't use them, so our house is officially binky-free. Perhaps this is a case for nature over nurture?