Sunday, October 12, 2008

A day at Topsfield fair

Brian and I decided along with the wicks' to journey out to Topsfield fair today. We had Mackenzie Saturday night so my sister and Dave could celebrate their anniversary(Happy aniversary!) so we decided to take Kenzie with us to the fair on Sunday. Thus began the adventure of taking 5 children to the topsfield fair! It was right around Cameron's nap time so he was a little cranky and he won't sleep in a stroller. Thankgoodness I took the snugli as that seemed to work to get him over his naptime slump. We had the wagon for Brady and Mackenzie, the single stroller for Cameron and the wicks' had their double stroller for David and Shaun along with their bjorn. At one point, I had Cameron in the snugli, Pam had shaun in the bjorn and all three older kids decided to walk, so there we were, three modes of transportation and not one child in them, We walked in single file at one point so as not to take up alot of room and someone commented that we looked like a train. I digress... It was actually a good day! the kids got to see the animals and the huge pumpkins and we all got some fresh air! It was a beautiful day!

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