Friday, October 17, 2008

The Heavy weight champions of the world!!!

Weighing in at 20.75 lbs putting him in the 16th percentile and 31 inches tall, putting him in the 78th percentile is Cameron James Stack!

In the other corner weighing in at 31.8 lbs putting him in the 52nd percentile and 39 inches tall, putting him in the 84th percentile is Brady Michael Stack!

Ok so maybe our boys won't be the heavy weight champions of the world but they are healthy! However I will NEVER bring them at the same time for a physical again. Brady freaked out because they wanted him to put on glasses for an eye test Cameron needed a nap and then they both had to get shots. They actually both did pretty well considering, but I feel like I didn't get to ask the doctor all my questions. But now that I have all his stats Brady can officialy start Preschool on monday!

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