Saturday, July 07, 2007

Brady's Security "Blanket"

We can't seem to separate Brady from keys...not just any keys either, but our car keys. When he gets up in the morning, the first words out of his mouth are usually "I want keys, I want keys." Erica and I can't really figure out exactly when this began. Just a month ago, we used to give him our keys when we went into a store to keep him amused. He liked to try to take the keys out of my hands as I strapped him into his car seat. But in the last couple weeks, he wants the keys all the time. He knows where they are kept in the house, and if they are in my pocket, he will go right in and help himself. Yesterday, Brady had my car keys and I watched him hide them under his crib. I quickly removed them when he left the room, but a little later, he was under the crib looking for them. Later that same day, Brady "lost" my keys somewhere int eh house. It took Erica and I twenty minutes to find them. That was the end of the keys. We had to make Brady his own set of keys and put my keychain on them.
BTW: We tried the plastic toy keys. He wanted nothing to do with them.

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