Monday, July 02, 2007

My Summer Vacation

So far, my summer vacation is going great! I get to go to the park to play on the playground almost every day. My favorite thing to play on is the rickity bridge.

Today, Mama had a new friend come over to play. His name is Jordan, and he is just about my age. Mama siad Jordan will be coming over to play every day this summer. We had lots of fun today playing with the toys in the toyroom, reading books and singing songs with Mama, and watching the Wiggles together. I included a picture of us having lunch below.

Last Saturday, Mama and Dada took me to Plaistow's Old Home Day. I had funnel cake, went in the bounce-house, and performed in a concert with Wayne From Maine. It was a lot of fun.

Talk to you all soon!



1 comment:

Boston Pam said...

Summer Vacation? What's that! Ha!
Looks like you guys are having fun!