Sunday, July 22, 2007

My Goatee: Save It or Shave It?

Calling one, calling all, it is time to vote. What should I do with my goatee?
Save it, or shave it?


Erica said...


Boston Pam said...

Let me put it this way...

If the picture were a black and white sketch - it would look like the pictures they show on the Philadelphia news...

Police are looking for this man...

Princess B said...

It looks good in the Potty Time picture but a bit scary here.

I think it's a nice change but I'll defer to the woman who kisses you and vote shave it.

Alyssa said...

Def shave it!

Christina said...

not to overanalyze or anything (I am a psychologist after all...), I think the goatee works if you have the really short crewcut like you do now. However, if you let your hair grow, then the goatee wouldn't work anymore. Seriously though, I do agree with Christel - if Erica says shave it, then do it!