Tuesday, March 28, 2006

A Tale of Two Bradys

So Erica and I decided to try our hand at making some "professional" pictures of Brady at home. By "professional," I mean we made it LOOK like we took him to a portait studio. The problem with our digital camera, though, is the delay. A good two seconds pass between the time when you hit the button and when the picture is taken. In order to catch one of Brady's smiles, we have to gamble as to when he might smile and hit the button, hoping he does. So, we end up taking 50 pictures to eventually get one good one. Well, the two pictures you see above are the result of that hard work. The problem is, the one on the top has been altered. I morphed Brady's head over the picture because he had a smile on his face. The one on the right is an actual picture. What do you think? Is the morphed picture believable? I think it is, Erica's not convinced.

Oh well.


Boston Pam said...

Dude his head is Giant and the coloring is off - nice try, though.

The Doc thought that the "real" picture was also a morph.

Brian said...

Nope. The real one is real. My boys got a big noggin!