Thursday, September 20, 2007

38 weeks 3 days and ready to be done

I remember being uncomfortable with Brady but I don't remeber being THIS uncomfortable. Leading me to believe that this child is going to be bigger than Brady. When we went 2 weeks ago they thought the baby was about 6.5 lbs. a baby at this stage in the pregnancy can gain .5 a week. Today was a weird day for me. I woke up feeling horrible, even called brian at work in tears telling him to c ome home. about 15 minutes later I called him back and said never mind I was fine. I've been nauseous all day and eaten a little at a time. I did get a sudden burst of energy and cleaned our room did the laundry and cleaned all the windows upstairs. Now I'm tired again have been having contractions off and on but I've been having those for weeks so I don't put much faith in them. I was disapointed when we went to the Dr.'s on Tuesday and he said he was willing to induce but it didn't look like things were ready yet. So we go back next Tuesday! Send labor vibes our way Please!!!!!


Christina said...

Okay, I will be actively willing Stack Baby #2 to come out! Good luck and hugs and kisses!

Boston Pam said...

Doesn't this baby know that I am DYING to find out his name?! How selfish of him...LOL!

Charlie and I have our guess though! Hehe!

Good Luck guys we're thinking of you!