Saturday, September 08, 2007

False Alarm

At 12:45am, Erica woke me up to tell me she had been battling with contractions since we went to bed at 10:30. They had started to get a little more intense, and were getting closer together. By 2:00, they had come to three minutes apart, and the doctor recommended we go in to the hospital. My mother came over to stay with Brady.

By 5:00am, we were on our way home. They tol,d Erica she wasn't quite ready yet. She's still been dealing with the contractions, though, so hopefully it won't be much longer.


Boston Pam said...

I had a dream this morning that you had the baby and named him Jack Stack. Please tell me that's NOT the name you chose!! LOL!

Keep us posted. Good Luck!

Christina said...

Hahaha, Jack Stack; please no! Anyways, how exciting and best of luck!