Monday, September 03, 2007


Back in the day (which was a Wednesday, so says the Dane-Train), this blog was all about me. No really, it was. It was my chance to share all the weird, crazy things that were running through my head. Then Brady came along...and it was all about him. It's not his fault, really. Anyways, in an effort to show you what a vintage post looked like, I offer you these thoughts to ponder today:

1. Blades of Glory is worth a rental. When I saw the previews for this movie I thought it looked kinda stupid, but we watched it last night and I must admit, it was pretty funny, for a mindless comedy. I recommend "On Demanding" it.

2. What's the deal with lifecasting? Why do people have NOTHING better to do than post their lives on the web. Even more so, why are their so many bored people watching them, and chatting live about what they are doing? If you don't have any idea what I'm talking about, visit for a few minutes and let me know what you think.

3. Finally, not for nothin, but when did mosquitos become so deadly? Last year a woman in my town died of EEE, and already this year, someone has been diagnosed with this mosquito-transferred virus. Our schools have just spent thousands of dollars to buy Off! wipes that all elementary school kids have to use before going to recess. Sports practices must finish by 6:00pm, and there is no such thing as a Friday night game under the lights around here anymore. When did we enter this new age anyways? What is this world coming too?

1 comment:

Christina said...

OK, so cute videos and photos of Brady is what keeps me visiting your blog regularly, but I have to admit - the diversions into the mind of Brian are such a great read. Keep them coming! Go vintage!