Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Introducing Cameron James Stack

Cameron James Stack came into the world today, September 25, 2007, at 11:15 am in Derry, New Hampshire. Here is just a brief story of how it happened:

Erica and I arrived at Parkland Medical Center at 5:00pm yesterday, and they did a procedure to "ripen" her cervix. At 6:00am this morning, dilated at only 1 cm, they started Erica on Petocin. By 8:00am she was 2-3 cm and her water broke, shortly after that she measured in at 4 and 7cm respectively. Finally, at 11:05, the doctor measured her at 10 cm and told her she was ready to push. Ten minutes and three pushes later, Cameron was born!!!

At birth Cameron weighed 8 lbs 5 ounces, and was 20 inches long. He has been eating and sleeping very well. Erica is also doing well, despite some obvious pain and stitches. She said to me when it was over, "It was all worth it".

Today, we had visits from my parents, Erica's parents, my sister Alyssa, Erica's sister Shanna and her daughter Mackenzie, and our friend Elizabeth Maciver. We are expecting more people tomorrow, and then we will be heading home Thursday.

Brady spent the day yesterday and today with my parents. He will go to the hospital tomorrow with me, proudly wearing his "I'm a big brother!" T-shirt. Erica and I felt it would be best to wait for tomorrow so he can see mom a little more "healed", and it will give him a chance to start to cope with his changing life.

Erica and I took a 15 minute (G-rated) video of our birth story, which I will post on this site sometime in the coming days.

That's all for now!!!


Christina said...

CONGRATULATIONS! He's beautiful! So glad to hear everything went well. Good choice with the name too... Send my love to Erica, Brady, and Cameron!

Fleno- Sherwood Family said...

Congrats to you, Erica and Brady! Welcome to the world Cameron!

Princess B said...

Congratulations on your new little bundle! Can't wait to meet him =)

Boston Pam said...

Congrats again! Thanks for posting pictures for those of us too far away to visit! Can't wait to see you in October!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Brian & Erica! Give Brady and Cameron a hug for me.

ksmith257 said...

Congrats Brian and Erica!!! I'm so excited for you guys! Cameron is beautiful, and you all look so happy :-) I'm absolutely thrilled for you!