Saturday, July 16, 2005

How To Battle Rising Gas Prices

For the past ten years, I have

religiously filled my gas tank with "middle-grade" gasoline. Why, you ask? Well, for a variety of reasons. People always told me my engine would run better, the engine would stay cleaner, and I would get better mileage. Well, after watching one of those news magazine shows (I can't remember if it was Dateline, Primetime, or 60 Minutes), I now see that I've been wrong.

Most "newer" cars on the road today get no benefit from higher octane gases. Good old 87 octane is just right. So why do people like me continue to purchase the higher octane gas? I guess because we enjoy padding the pockets of the oil disributers.

Well, with the price of gas soaring (and owning 2 gas-guzzling SUV's), I'm making the switch to cheaper gas. Oh, and by the way, the news report also said there is no difference between name-brands and generic brands of gas either. So, to hell with you, Exxon, Mobile, and Sunoco. I'm sticking with good old Haffner's. It kicks!


Boston Pam said...

So if you come to Philly next weekend - there is a free gas card in your future. Bribes and more bribes - I won't give up on you.

Come on...
Come on...

Also - I can't believe you've been filling your tank with high octane this whole time - ARE YOU CRAZY?!

Well I suppose I already know the answer to that (wink)

Boston Pam said...

Dude you need to fix your blog's time setting - just go to the dashboard under settings...

Just a helpful hint.