Tuesday, July 26, 2005

My Blog Is Putting The Stack Marriage To The Test

Brian enters the living room. Erica is seated at the couch with her laptop in front of her.

Brian: What are you up to?

Erica: I can't talk to you right now. I'm reading what you wrote in your blog.


Now, one great feature of a blog is that it improves communication...but when you live in the same house...why would you want to read what someone is thinking on their blog? Why not try asking them?

Hmmm....I don't get it...but I'll let it slide. If there is one thing I've learned this summer, its never to piss off a pregnant woman, especially when it is above 80 degrees outside.

I love you Erica! :)


Erica said...

I feel a need to defend myself. What my husband left out was reason why I go to his blog. I go to see what other people have to say about some of his insane ideas. I'm really looking to see what other people have to say about him. and as far as the pregnant thing goes I think he's been more tired than I have been lately.

Brian said...

I have succeeded in my main goal of the post...to finally get Erica to start blogging.
